Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm blown away by how smart kids are at three-and-a-half. I had no idea. Bianca can negotiate, reason, and remember EVERYTHING. It's amazing.

The other day she told her first real joke, one with a punchline. It was pretty funny, too! I was working in the kitchen and she came up to me, giggling, with her finger pointed at the ceiling.

"Mom what's on the ceiling?" Giggle giggle giggle. "My finger is!"

"I need a screwdriver. I want to build a robot butterfly."

Having a "private" talk with Mia, away from me: "Mia, I love you. So please. You don't need to cry in your sleep." (They share a wall and Mia wakes her up sometimes when she makes noise at night.)

On meeting a friend's newborn baby sister: "Well, MY baby can stand up." (She actually can't, but B wants her to!)

I need start writing down more because I forget it so easily. She's truly a little person now, no baby left. Sigh.

Here she wanted me to take a picture of her while she took one of me. :)

Yesterday, we took a stroll to our local meat and produce shop. Bianca wanted to wear her giraffe outfit. :) It's a nice warm outfit (she paired it with her rainboots) so we were cool with it.

It was Mia's first stroller ride without her carseat. She's getting so big!


Laura said...

I saw that picture with her costume and Mia, and I was confused... I was thinking, - wait, Mia wasn't here at Halloween! But with a three year old it can be Halloween any day!

Kora said...

Ohmygosh...B is hilarious :).

Laura said...

I love kid's senses of humor, too! The simplest things are super funny!