Monday, July 20, 2009

More bedtime adorableness

We've got a couple more videos of the bedtime singing just never know when one phase will stop and she'll move on to the next thing.

In this video she starts out telling Daddy to "lay down please!" and then she goes into more nursery rhymes...but the cutest is at the end when she sings the Barney song, "I love you, you love me..." She always inserts a hug into the song during the "With a great big HUG and kiss from me to you!" line. It's just beyond adorable.

Guilty pleasures...pregnancy sends my melanin into overdrive, which is both good and bad: I can actually get a tan, but unless I'm super careful (and now that I'm a mom, I'm usually not!) I get crazy dark tan lines all over. Since we're going to Aaron and Sara's wedding this weekend, I went tanning today for the first time in ages. Pregnancy presents an interesting tanning challenge since you can't lay on your back or your front--even reclining is out for me since it makes me so uncomfortable and short of breath. Standing tanning bed to the rescue! I'm still not TAN by anyone's standards except mine (the Desert Sun employee encouraged me to only tan for five minutes today) but it's nice to have a glow. I triple-pinkie-swear to slather on beta hydroxy and retinol night cream for the rest of my life to make up for the skin damage. Although during pregnancy, I'd personally rather catch a few natural rays than lube up with fake-tanning chemicals. Anyway, that's my justification and I'm sticking to it!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I totally hear ya on the tanning dilema. I have been trying to get natural sun for Leah's wedding and its been pretty good but I get so hot so I decided to go tanning the other day and felt weird the whole time-9 minutes. :) I put a towel on my belly because I was scared it was going to burn. I'm a no on the self tanners as well!